
“A young woman sleeps in her large bed. She keeps the pillows and blankets close so that she doesn’t feel the absence of the lost love. As she dreams, she dreams of him holding her, and of the first kiss. It was satisfying, but only for a second, and so her body craved more. The dream went on as he held her, and when she saw his passionate eyes, she knew this would be the kiss to bring him back. As their lips locked in her dream, she could feel his cold dead lips touch her own. She gasped in fear and jerked away, but his arms kept her close. She wanted to be near him, but the feeling of his cold body frightened her.” “The drive home was wonderful; Trish couldn’t keep her eyes off the scenery. But when they drove past a corpse, she couldn’t keep her eyes from glancing quickly at it, and drifting off just to quickly look back. The corpse was a young deer, and it was looking off in the distance, with a smile. She couldn’t help but think it strange for a dead creature to look so happy as it’s being picked apart by the neighboring birds. She couldn’t explain it, and as the car drifted away, she thought of how happy the animal must be in heaven to smile in such a way.” so i am going to actually write something. i wish confused could sum up how i feel lately, but nope! lol! i am more complex than that! lol! well anyway, i am going to start writing again, and everyone i want to get intouch with the ones i haven't this summer, i miss everyone! :( but anyway, no one expect a lot of social from me this week, i dont get my next day off untill sunday! errrr! well i am done!
Read 4 comments
Hey you. Thanks for the reassurance. I've never felt more excited, nervous, and lost though. I tried calling you back today but it just kept ringing and ringing. It was between 6 and 7 until my mom decided to get online.
hey. my summer is going good, well all besides the whole work thing, but that will be all over tomorrow. how is your summer going?
Hey, like the story. keep on going with it and i'm sure it will turn out great.
Thank you, Rachel. It means a lot that you said that...:)