I bet to them you look like-

Feeling: ducky
I GOT NEW JEANS!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, only thrilling to me, seeing as I go through jeans like most peope go through.....I dunno.......stuff that you go through a lot of. But they are pretty, and all.....new jeans-y. And I got a sweater for spirit week....yay, spirit. I'm so not spirited. I dunno why they make me act like I am. I mean, I haven't even payed class dues yet, how am I supposed to be spirited???? But I like the sweater, I looked very emo when I tried it one with my tan cords and weird little kitty cat shoes.... yes, very emo. Finally watched Pretty in Pink. Very bad (read, good) 80's movie, with Molly RIngwald (What wasn't she in????) and a bunch of guys I don't know. I loved Duckie. He was so cute. I would have choosen him over phycotic, disloyal boy any day. Discussed getting your period with my mother, was quite frightening. She's off Depo shots, so she's gpoing to turn into Bitchzilla once a month now. I think I've heard the words "crack pipe" about ten million time in the last hour. I just realized why I can't hear my music.....I don't have the headphones on. That's beter. headphones are quite wonderful, but I'm deffinatly going to be deaf by the time I'm 50 because of them. Oh well, may as well live like I want to now. Which is why I'm eating M&M's and singing along to the songs like they're going out of style. Don't you all love hearing my reasoning??? PANIC! AT THE DISCO MAKES THE WORLD GO 'ROUND
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I WANT NEW JEANS!!!! bitch