It's getting harder to say no and even harder to say yes

Feeling: bouncy
Bouncy bouncy bouncy. Watched Dirty Dancing, so now I want to dance. Wish I had Havana Nights, seeing as the dancing is better in that one, even if most of the acting sucks. Although I do love Diego Luna. He's a sex demi-god for sure. NMy hair feels so gross. I haven't showered since Thursday. let's see, that's... 2 1/2 days. Ewwwwwwww. And I've been up late all those days, so that didn't help. Speaking of being up late, saw FOB on SNL last night. Wasn't the most amazing performance by them ever, seeing as someone *coughjoecough* kept getting lost. Have I expressed my dissapointment in him yet??? I am dissapointed in him. Not in the whole SNL thing. Fuck they quility of the proformance, they were having fun. I'm dissapoint in what Rolling Stone reveiled. He's a bad boy, but not in the sexy way. In the bad way. He's making me mad, because now I can't say, like I usually do, that FOB is straight edge. Because they're not. Thank's for ruining it, Trohman. I just realized how much accusing I've done today. Oh well, it's not like I've actually said it to anyone who can respnd. I mean, my cat can respond, but I can ignore her. And I don't think she knows enough English to know that when I say "It's all your fault" it means anything. She just thinks I'm talking to myself again.Which I do a lot of. Lovely convo with mother about suckyness of father. Still can't figure out a memory to do for my English assignment. 10 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow we're down to single digits. I didn't even realize that until now. Wow. that means it's awfully close. And I still don't know what to wear. I mean, I know jeans, chucks, and underwear. That's sort of a given. Like I'm going to wear anything else. Actually, I could wear my cords an be a nerd. But I don't feel like it. I got red eyeliner. It's soooo much fun to play with. I can use it as lipliner too, if I ever feel like using lipliner. Harry Potter Tuesday, very excited. And something else...... don't remember. Obviously not important.
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i♥dirty dancing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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