Jesus and The Devil should have tea and settle their differe

Feeling: chillin
So, I haven't talked to her for a while. I feel better (interestingly enough), although I still don't have Life on the Murder Scene....oh well, it's not like I would have gotten a chance to do much with it. I still want it though. Maybe tonihgt, if Nana makes something skeezy. Oh, look at me, rocking out to the Something Corporate on the bus. I'm so faux cool, you just wish you could be me. You don't WANT me, you want TO BE me. Dam,n straight. Though if you want me too, I'm fine with that. Just don't stalk me like a crazy. Nicely approch and say "I want you." and I'm sure we can figure something out. So I was in class, doing the assignment, and I realized, not only is Frank Sinatra one of the clasics, but he's also quite influencital. And he likes to sing sad songs that make me think about bars and drinking, and sleezy bartenders. So I wrote about that. And it was cool. I guess I am a good writer, when I try. Or only try a little. If I try too much, I just sort of ruin everything. Jesus went totally crazy today!! It was sweet. I expected him to start swearing at any moment. Unfortunatly, I was dissapointed. He just flipped over some tables. Whipped a few people. Nothing abnormal. I have decided that the brand of Messiah did nothing for his PR. I mean, no one really believed him. Then they did once he healed his/her son or something. But that must have been annoying. I mean, imagine, you're walking down the street, and some woman comes up saying "Messiah, heal my son!!!!" And if you don't, nobody believes you, but if you do, they all want favors now that they know you can. It must have been a pain in the ass. I wonder what it will be like next year. I don't even know what school I'm going to, which scares me. I don't want to go public, but I don't think I have a choice. I wish my future was a little more certain than this.
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I love Frank Sinatra... and poor Jesus... people were so dumb... it must have gotten tiring