We're only liars but we're the best

Feeling: sluggish
It's rather obvious I'm putting off the ineveitable. But I don't care. At least I'll have good music when I go to do the immpossible. I think she said something about going through clothes as well, but she never really was specific, and that woud just make more mess at this point. SO I'll be doing a lot of hanging right today. After I eat lunch. I mean, she can't get mad at me for eating lunch. Tht's neglect, if she does. whooooo hoooooo. Jail time for that. I think. She's like the vaca. Speaking of vaca, mine's almoist up. Which sucks. Becasue I was getting used to it. but whatever. Now all my writing is going to have to take place on the weekend. Grrrrrr. I don;'t like having tio cram it all into one day. That's bad. I still need to write somthing for English. I kind of like my old idea, but then I'd have to write from a guy's pov, something I rather suck at. Guys think defferently from girls. It's hard for me to capture that difference. oh well. I'll figure it out eventually. This is totally my song. It's fucked up, like me. And it's all emo, but not quite as emo as other emo songs. It's pretty too. And it raises some great questions. I likes it. you should too. Because I said so. And i have power. Lie to me and tell me I do.
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molly brenerman loves jack's mannequin.I'd never heard of them before her. It is her only cd, which is pretty significant, i'd say.
you have powers.........many powers.....