Harry was being way to quiet, so I gave up.

Feeling: warm
I was very happy to not wake up this morning, then I woke up. Found out the meaning of goffenspiel, and kind of wished I didn't. Yet another sex talk at lunch, I seriously think we could be a sex ed class if we had an ounce of maturatiy about us. "Panic! meet the press..." I love how on all the Music Choice little facts about Fall Out Boy, I can finish the statment wihtout even reading it. And one of them was a little biased, making it look like Andy was the only one in Racetraitor, when it was Pete's band to start with. Alright, I'll stop now. I know, I'm a special human being. Patrick es mas guapo que Pete. Now see, I even managed to tie them into my Spanish homework. I truly am in need of a hobby and/or boyfriend. "One night I fell asleep." Deep thoughts man, deep thoughts. I have decided that the Bible promotes favoritism among siblings. I mean, God just sort of pushed Cain aside, which is why he went ape-shit and killed his brother. I mean, if anyone took my little brother over me, I'd go a little ape-shit. Poor Cain. He, like his mother Eve, is just simply misunderstood. Now we must ask Haydn if he has multiple peni, to fully come to the conclusion that he is Jesus. I can't wait for this conversation. BEth is going to come into religion tomorrow with a picture of Satan, give a nice long rant about how she loves him and intends to run away with him, and post it on the bulletin board and run out of the room. Five minutes later, she is to sneak back in, walk to the board, peel off the picture and say, "I forgot Satan." Then she's going to run like no motherfucker has ever known. And we will laugh histerically. David brought in apciture of MCR< a really awesome one where Gerard's all lying across a few laps on the bus, and the rest of the guys are all there, and Frank's pouring beer in his ear. It's quite funny, and Mikey's SO FUCKING HOT in that picture, so she made me beg to see it during class, and when she went to put it on the board, she puts it on the half that's behind me, so I couldn't look at it!!!!! But I whined, so she moved it, so now I can stare at it all during class for the next month.
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hobby.............or boyfriend......something......help, maybe..........: )........it's all good