Time slips away again

Listening to: Sevendust - Honesty
Feeling: sluggish
Well! I live...yes, I do. Once again I have gone into a mental lapse that is everyday monotony of life that never changes. When you do the exact freking thing day in and day out, non stop....you begin to forget to do the little things in life that give you sanity...like post diaries and shoot things on a computer screen so you don't try to murder your boss in his stupidity. Crap, this is going to be a long post.... So....for those that did not know, I have Ulcerative Colitus ( I will not describe it. Go Google it... sorry, crunch for time ) and I have had it for about 3 years now total. It's a little bit genetic-caused, and also induced by stress (work). Occasionally I will have flare-ups that leave me drained of energy and dead tired. Being the mindless drone that I am to the dollar and all things that involve buying more computer parts, I keep working my ass off like there is no tomorrow until I can not function. Then, I have to check into a hospital for a few days and have bag after bag of fluid put back into me from the dehydration from the chronic diahrehia from this damn disease. *sigh* With my last bout, my wonderfull doctor who is trying everything he can to give a 22 year old man his life back so that his waking moments are not less than 10 seconds away from a restroom every hour, thinks that he has a new treatment for this while I am recouperating from my latest dehydration bout. After a few tests for this new medicine that took a full work week stay in the hospital, it seems I may be able to take this new medicine. Durring my stay in the hospital bed next to 2 different amputees in the foot region that keep me awake 24/7 with their pain and demands for Darvon and such, my boss at my job is bubbling at work having to do more work (as opposed to none) while I am sick. He gets the odd assumption that I just am using this as an excuse to miss work and make him look like an ass (and this was I guy I liked and respected a lot, till now). All because my father calls in for me to work when I can not make it....I mean, I was in a procedure at that time with a camrea about 10 inches up my posterior. I do not think I could use a phone. I know with the things they used to knock me out, I could not drive any motor vehicles or opporate heavy machinery. Heck, I had a hard time with the TV remote 6 hrs later! So, my dumb ass boss calls me a pussy in front of a few of my good friends at work, who nearly jump out of their chairs and kick his ass then and there on site...(I have good friends *sniff* :) ). So, I return to work after my hospital stay and weekend, to hear these stories of name-calling while I was in a hospital bed. I am not happy, to put it mild. So, I confront my boss's boss. He is very skiddish about the subject in general and attempts to ask how I am doing. I tell him of my adventures in the rectal camera area and of the 22 perscription pills I take daily, along with other "pills" durring flare-ups ("Pills" meaning they are not "swallowed") to make sure my ass is covered for being truely sick. After an hour of details, I mention the name-calling and ask if there is something to be done with it. He agrees lightly and skips off to the next subject. By appearing to ask if "there is anything we, as a company, can do to help reduse the risk of flare-ups and improve my attendance" I reply with decreasing my stress like my boss's name calling. To this my boss's boss lightly mentions if there are any more "illness-friendly positions" that I could be moved to. I just said no and remembered that. So, after I get caught up on my class work for tomorrow night and such, I shall begin my research on the exact details of the "Equal Opportunity Employment Act" which coveres individuals with a medical condition and if being moved from a position purely due to a medical condition qualifys for me to start some crap and roll some heads. For now....Anyone know a good job I could have? Full time? Something like data entry or something?
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