QUIZ! :p Bored

Feeling: bootylicious
LOL! Wow, I can feel Bootylicious...had to put that... Anyways, Downloading music to see what I want to get, and saw my friend Okinaide had a quiz posted....so I stole it...ehehe 1. What is your occupation? Reciever in the warehouse....of the Corporate Satan of computers.... 2. What color are your underwear? What underwear? 3. What are you listening to right now? Music... My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy 4. What was the last thing you ate? Ummm, Pot roast w/ carrots and potaters. :p 5. Do you wish on stars? No, because stars are millions of degrees and would burn me if I was on a star. I would probably wish to not be ON a star...cause the burning part would suck. 6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? If I'm still on that star, does it matter? I'd melt! But, red...Ketchup red 7. How is the weather right now? Fine, and you? Oh, wait... it's hot and stuff...go check out Weather.com, don't ask me. 8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Diana...kitty! *meow* 9. Do you like who you stole this from? Ya, he's kewl when he's not being not cool...so ya, he's cool a lot. :P 10. How old are you today? 22 years, 203 Days, and about 16 hours. :P Who cares, I can drink! 11. Favorite drink? Well, since you asked...Woodchuck, Amber Apple flavor...or So Co 12. Favorite sport to watch? Poker :P YES IT IS A SPORT! 13. Have you ever dyed your hair? nope, I did get hilights for a while... 14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Nope, Perfect vision 100% 15. Pets? Nope...wish I had a doggie... 16. Favorite month? Cold ones...like winter and such...January 17. Favorite food? Hmmm.....Jelly Bellies 18. What was the last movie you watched? Constantine.... hehehee... Gabriel is a chick...I think. 19. Favorite day of the year? Canadian Boxing Day. Dunno why...don't know why Canada needs a day to celebrate boxing either 20. What do you do to vent anger? I shoot things...on my computer...hehee 21. Fall or spring? Neither. WINTER. F-ING COLD! NOT LIKE NOW! 22. Hugs or kisses? Yes please. Oh wait, I gotta choose...Ummmm...Snuggle hugs 23. Cherry or Blueberry? Cherry! 24. Do you speak another language? Si! Estoy enfermo, es los frijoles! ("I feel sick, it was the beans" if I remember right....) 25. What's your dream job? Bartender in my own bar/Computer Gaming LAN party center. 26. Where's your favorite place to travel? Canada...Vancover Island 27. Who do you live with? The old people who raised me. Free rent and they cook 28. When was the last time you cried? *sniff* Meanie! Not for a long time *sniffle* 29. What is on the floor of your closet? I have a closet? Oh ya, probably clothes and computer parts...not gonna go check. Just knod and say I'm right. Good...move on 30. What friend have you had the longest? Hmmmm....I've known James a long ass time...since kindergarden or something. 31. What did you do last night? Nothing! I needed to wash my sheets! Wait...that sounds bad...I was laying in bed with Aloe lotion on my back cause I got a HUGE BRIGHT PINK SUNBURN all over my back and shoulders. My scalp is pealing too. Want some? 32. Favorite smell? Mmmmmmm....Sweet vengance... 33. Favorite Sound? That high pitched fart that sounds like a trombone...like when someone tries to hold it in but can't and it squeezes out...those are so funny... 34. What are you afraid of? Quizes...wait..AHHHHHHHHHH! *drops the pen and runs* Naaah, seriously...loss of loyalty 35. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Yes, all of them. 36. Favorite car? '65 Shelby Cobra CSX 4000. Go google it and see the sexyness 37. Favorite dog breed? Golden Retriever 38. Number of keys on your key ring? 2 39. How many years at your current job? 3 ungodly, devil-controlled years... 40. Favorite day of the week? 41. How many states have you lived in? Just 1 42. How many cities have you lived in/name them? Just Blue Springs, and Columbia for a bit... Well, all done!!! MORE DRINKING!
Read 3 comments
Ohh.. scalp peel?? Sign me up!
I was just watching Trekkies 2 and I noticed something. You have a dark-haired Serbian clone. It was funny to see. He's more of a nerd than you are surprisingly. Just thought I had to leave this bit of info on your diary. Mostly out of boredom. Yeah.
A clone....Hmmmm.....the things I could do....

But, if it follows Trekkie ediquite...one of us has to have the goatee...that indicates the "evil" one....or does it... ???