Welp, just lost my 20 minute entry I was typing. It was all insightful about what I was thinking and feeling for the last few days, but no, SitDiary decided to log me out because I was on the phone talking to my girlfreind about the same issues I was writing about. And no, we can not write and XML script or something to just log out the person or even notify them...nope, we just stay logged out until we click the "Save" button and then the page comes up 100% blank... Very warning, no option, just "I don't care what took you a long time to write, that must mean that it has no importance at all..." I really appreciate your consideration for a lenghty thought process and emotional thoughtput that is a journal, but don't take more than 10 minutes to think or else it's meaningless. Two words. Bull shit. Hope it actually posts that. P.S. - Seems it is more important to toy around with Friend's lists than it is to improve the posting system.
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