3 Day Weekend...Almost...

So, back at work I am after what should have been a 3 day weekend...but no, I had to come in and work half of Sunday. They give me Monday off, but split the weekend in half with extra work on Sunday reformating a bunch of laptops and desktops so some other stores can sell them. Plus, I had to put them onto pallets so that an 18 wheeler can ship them off. Ended up with 7 pallets full of computers that I had to restore. Ya, that is a lot of computers. A good $200,000 worth. And they can only pay me $9 an hour. That's got to be the reason they only pay me that too, so that they didn't have to pay our only technician who gets about $20 an hour. So, needless to say, I am going to demand a raise soon. almost 4 years of enployment and never had a raise because I got forced into different job titles. Somehow, that negates any raise I could have gotten, although I got paid no better. Just a year and I get to look for a real job, like one where people care about the employees, or are at least forced to. At least I get overtime this week and I think I got it last week. *sigh*
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*hugs* Hang in there, sweetie. You'll find something better...especially once you have your degree. Until then, feel free to rant as much as you need. *kiss*