The Beginning

Listening to: Slipknot - I Am Hated
Feeling: melancholy
So, my friends have a LiveJournal...and want to know why the heck I don't. So, not being able to come up with an answer to this that sounded like I was sober or knew what I meant, I started one. We will see how long I can keep up posting things on here... So, for the idea of what I am gonna do here, I will rant about silly things here, post links to funny or cool things on the web that caught my attention. I may even start taking photos with my camera and posting a few here. We'll see how it evolves. I hate to tie something down with a format then begin to hate it and have to redo the whole thing, so I am going to keep this one wide open to whatever the heck I feel like that day. So, "Who the heck is this guy?" you ask? Well, I can never answer that very well, so I will just let ya read what I think at the moment. Basically, I am a computer game junkie who is tired of his job and is nearing the end of his academic career. I love anime, almost every type too. Music is really big on my list of cool things, anything but really trendy pop and new-age country crap is fair game to be on my playlist. As for the rest of my life, it's devoied to one girl that I love and can't think of anything else, but the before-mentioned things. :P That's all I can think of I am going to end there and add more later on. Not sure how often I will post here, but I hope to once a week if I can. :)
Read 2 comments
Hey *hugs the cow god* Good to see you on here again!
Wow! I wasn't expecting to see you with one of these again. How's life going for you since we last actually talked?
