Dreams are silly

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So, I got a few minutes to kill at work while i wait for the trucks to come in. Thought I would share this freaky dream I had. I was in line at Sub Way, waiting to order my sandwich. THe line was huge, like 30 people long. So, I am a patient person usually, and I waited till I got to the end of the line to get my sandwich. The guy makes my sandwich and such, and I walk over to pay. For some odd reason, the guy at the register ignores me and goes on to the next guy while I stand there. I figure, maybe he was a friend or something or that his sandwich got messed up and they were making a new one for him, so I waited. After about the 30th customer that he checked out before me, I finally got irritated and said something. He just looked at me stupidly and said he was sorry that he didn't see me there. About that time, I go postal and start flipping out on the guy. I mean, I'm not hard to miss. I'm like 6 foot tall. So, I start demanding that he compensate me for the time I lost waiting on him to check me out, plus my sandwich is cold. I never really do this in real life, I just patiently wait and such. Well i just stood there still yelling at the guy who was a manager of the store for about 20 more minutes and demanded his manager's phone number. After I go that and a new sandwich, I walked out and got in my car. And that is when the store exploded. Yep, I really do think I am just a little crazy or something. AH well. Now I need something to do for the next 30 minutes while I wait for the delivery services to come throw boxes at me. Yarfo! Oh!! Check it out! I did something productive! ............psyche! HAHA, it is cool though. Never used photoshop before and I am now determined to learn it. SO, here is my first attempt at it w/ some help from my girlfriend. She makes photoshop her bitch... :P Well, after me... lol. I'm still first bitch! (ok, off the computer, back to work.)
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