wanna kno bout me..u dont? too damn bad!

Listening to: Work Jimmy Eat World
1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:45 2. Diamonds or pearls? diamonds 3. What was the last film you saw in the theater?uhh..it was at the dollar theater..oh the spongebob squarepants movie lololol..yes it was bad.. and perverted but i had to see it 4. What is your favorite TV show? that 70's show,one tree hill (chad m.m , and all the chics on there r just damn sexy lol),family guy 5. What did you have for breakfast? I dont eat breakfast. 6. What is your middle name? Allyse 7. Favorite cuisine? Mexican 8. What foods do you dislike? I canlt think of ne thing specific.. 9. What is your favorite flavor? Strawberry...cherrys..chocolate... or those in chocolate lol 10. What is your favorite CD? Uh I dont have a fav...i love my evanecence cd..my yeah yeah yeahs cd...my killers cd..i dunno weezer..TOO MANY! 11. What kind of car do you drive? Uh I dont drive yet but when I do it'll be a piece of shit 12. Favorite sandwich? Turkey..no those sandwiches from fazolis..those kick ass 13. What characteristic do you despise? snobby think that they r better than everyone else ones 14. Favorite item of clothing? madds hoodie..and well I dunno I love my hurley shirt heh..hmm well i dunno ne thing else 15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would go? everywhere I want to go everywhere 16. What color is your bathroom?White and pink 17. Favorite brand of clothing? hurley billabong...uhh vans...i like to shop at ross its cheap.. 18. Where would you retire to? i dont want to retire.. 19. Favorite time of the day? The night. 20. What was your most memorable birthday? I dont have one 21. Where were you born? norman,ok where i freaking live now 22. Favorite sport to watch? soccer or football... 23. Who do you least expect to fill this out and repost?Dunno. okay this was from an email so ya..whatever 24.Person you expect to send it back first? like i said before 25. What fabric detergent do you use? LET ME GO SEE NOW THAT IM CURIOUS!!! the answer is all 27. Are you a morning person or a night person? both but i perfer the night i guess 28. What is you shoe size? uhh u kno what that means wait i dont have a penis heh... 8 1/2 or 9 depends 29. Do you have any pets? 2 precious doggies 30. Any exciting news that you would like to share with your family and friends? well family..someday i'll tell them im gay hah..friends that dont kno im with jeanee yay!! 31. What did you want to be when you were little? musician still do always will..now i just got a back plan lol cosmotology..heh i cant even spell it 32. What are you doing today? Uhh..for the rest of the day?? Uh eating cleaning maybe talking on the phone and playing on the computer watch family guy and futurerama then sleepy
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