Life is...kinda crappy

"Life is shit... I don't know why. And as I cry... I want to die." -Me. Orignal song lyircs. Thats lyircs from one of my new songs, written when I was strangely depressed. It was weird. I just felt depressed when I was over at Adam's for fireworks, and we started talking about people that cut themselves, and I got that idea. The rest of it is full of lyrics about cutting, heavy duty depression, and other random stuff I thought about when I was depressed. I also got the phrase "Break me, leave me to die. Everybody else does." from the grandview overpass, and if you haven't already noticed, its my new MSN name. I started talking to Sabrina again, and I guess you could say we're friends. She wanted to know if I would go to the Dungeon with her to see some band playing, and I said I might if I could. She's no on right now, so I'm guessing she left already. If she was going at all. She also asked me to go to her soccer game on monday, so I told the person I work for that I need monday off so I could go. It's at Willowdale park, which is just off Keewatin, and near Donald's house. I think...oh well. I've also been really pissed off lately because of Colton's sister. I sent her that pic of what Nathalie's friends thinks she looks like, and she told everybody that that was what I said I was going out with. Then Colton found out, as did Noelle, and now they think I'm just putting random pictures of people up and sayong that I'm going out with them. It makes me sick how some people, before you can explain yourself, take things completely the wrong way. Well, I'm talking to Dylan now, so I'm gonna go. See you all later.
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hey i was there when he made this up- aDaM fRaUtS