5:14 PM Wow. Its amazing what you can find when your bored. I got bored today and found the CD I got at the end of guitar class last semester with our version of Smells Like Teen Spirit on it, as well as a couple of tunes me and Dave did, which was pretty sick. Lol. I've just been sitting around listening to them. But its been a while since I've updated, so I thought I'd finally post a real entry, and not something to do with random quizzes, so here goes. My week has been extremely long, filled with periods of boredom and finally finishing our (Me, Jeanette and Caitlin) english project on Sikhism. Man I'm glad that's over. Well, not really. It gave me an excuse to Jeanette every day. Music Change - Hurt - Me and Dave But yeah. Yesterday was a lot of fun too. Not school, but when Jeanette got off work I went to her place to watch The RM, which was a pretty funny movie. I really enjoyed it. I love going to Jeanette's place. There's nothing I'd rather be doing more than spending time with her. But I think that's a good enough update for now. Later.
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i luv the way u cut all ur friends out of ure life
umm cool?
umm cool?
umm cool?
umm cool?
ye it sik tho
ye it sik tho
ye it sik tho
hey whats up