Dreamland III - #6

The monk and I continue to follow the narrow path through the mountain range, until Cervantes' skull shaped mountain came into view. It had already been several days since Vincent's demise, and I think the monk was in shock. He hadn't spoken at all since Vincent's demise, and neither had I. We just walked along the path, not speaking at all. A gust of wind ruffled my hair as the sun slowly set. It ducked beneath the tops of the mountains, and darkness filled the valley we walked in. I sat down on a side of the path and tried to start a fire with a few sticks I had found. However, the wood was much too damp to start a spark. I cursed and whipped the sticks across the path. The monk sat silently, before he curled up on his side and fell asleep. I sat alone in the darkness and the cold. I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around myself in an effort to keep myself warm. I close my eyes and fall asleep. It is a dark and dreamless sleep, from which I do not wake until the monk pokes me gently in the shoulder. I open my eyes slowly and look at him. "Time to move." He says. I look around. Morning has come again, and sunlight again fills the valley. I stand and start walking along the path, with the monk following behind. We continue walking until Cervantes' skull mountain stands right in front of us. A wrought iron gate fills an opening into a corridor in the face of the mountain. "Well, it doesn't look like we'll be getting through that." I say, and I start looking around for a way to get around it. I hear the monk mumble something, and then point the tip of his staff towards the gate. He mumbles something else, and a thick blast of fire engulfs the gate and destroys it. I look at him, bewildered. "When did you learn that?" I ask. He smiles. "I know more than just fighting with a stick." He says. I turn back towards the destroyed gate and start walking towards it. I walk through the smokey remains of the gate and through the wide corridor, which slowly spirals upwards. The monk follows me as I continue to walk up the corridor, which leads into a large room. On the far wall of the room were many swords, from katanas to broadswords covering the walls. Standing in front of them was about about 6 feet tall, wearing dark clothes and a black cloak. His white hair came over his shoulders, and whipped around when he spun around to face us. His completely eyes bored into my soul, making me fear this monster somewhat. His pale complexion almost matched his eyes, and he looked undead. "Who the hell are you?" He asked in a raspy voice. "I am Marius, defender of this area, and I've come here to slay you." I say. "I am Kendrick, a monk in the order of Emiliano." the monk says, pulling back his hood, finally revealing his face. His long black hair contrasted with his pale complexion, and his ice blue eyes really stood out as well. "Hmph. So this is what they send against me. A rouge and a monk. This'll be easy." Cervantes says cockily, and pulls two smaller swords off the wall, one in each hand. I pull the triple barreled handgun from it's holster and my katana from it's sheath. I hold one in each hand and ready for combat as Kendrick takes off his brown robe, revealing the uniform he wore beneath it. It was just black pants, a black long sleeved shirt and black leather boots. He grabs his staff and gets ready for combat as well. The final battle has begun.
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