I'm killer bored

ME questions!

Created by pyrochick1728 and taken 12 times on bzoink!

Whats your name?Thomas
How old are you?15
What color/colors are your hair?Dark Brown
What is your phobia?None that I know of
Have you ever broken the law?I was tresspassing a few times...
Do you drink??No
Do you smoke?No
Do you cuss?Sometimes
Favorite Band?Metallica
Favorite Color?Black
What do you think of preppy people?They should all go out and shoot themselves
Do you have any imaginary Friends?No
Do you Cut?Myself? No
What do you do in your spare time?Whatever I feel like doing
Have you ever ran away?Tried to
Bad habits?None
What do you think of your school?It's hell. But it saves me from being bored all day

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yo wad up. I see u know my sister limit. u got a tight ass diary its preety raw. holla back at me aight. don't think i some wannabee hip hop person either(incase u were thinkin dat I wuz).
just hit me back