Dreamland III - #8

As I sit drowning in a pool of my own blood, Cervantes kneels in front of me. "A rouge and a monk. You two should've known better than to come after me." He says, before he spits in my face. I try to say something, but it is choked out by the blood in my mouth. "What's the matter? Having trouble speaking?" he asks, standing and kicking me in the side on the word 'speaking'. The pain is unimaginable. I fall over as blood flows from the wound in my gut and from my mouth. Kendrick stands and shakes his head around, catching Cervantes' attention. Cervantes stands and walks towards him, as Kendrick scrambles for the sword covered wall. He manages to grab a sword similar to my own from the wall, and turns around to face Cervantes. Cervantes smiles and walks towards Kendrick, who showed no fear. Kendrick stabbed out at Cervantes, who jumped clear over Kendrick and booted him in the spine, sending him flying across the room and landing beside me. "We have failed..." he says. I try to reply, but my strength is fading, and blood choked out my words. Darkness slowly creeps in on my vision as Cervantes walks towards us. He looks happy, for an evil soul. He raises his foot above me as if to stomp me dead, but he hears a voice from a dark corner of the room that stops him. "That wouldn't be a good idea." I hear. My eyes dart to the dark corner, where I just manage to see a man dressed in black standing against the wall with his arms crossed. "Who the hell are you?" Cervantes asks. The man steps forward, and I recognize him. His blonde shoulder length hair glints slightly with the faint candlelight of the room, and he glares at Cervantes with his violet eyes. He is my vampiric friend Lestat, but I am confused as to why he is here. Darkness almost completely clouds my vision, but I manage to keep them open as my friend steps towards Cervantes. "Oh I recognize you. What're you doing here vampire?" Cervantes asks, angered at my friend's sudden appearance. "I heard what was going on...thought I'd take a look, saw a friend getting his ass kicked, thought I'd step in." Lestat explains. "Well, you'd better leave before I kill you too." Cervantes says cockily. Lestat lowers his chin slightly and glares at Cervantes. "Bring it on." He says quietly. Cervantes runs at him, and Lestat runs at Cervantes. Beofre the latter could land a blow on my friend, Lestat jump kicked him in the gut, sending him flying backwards into a wall. Cervantes looks in amazement at my vampiric friend, and slowly backs off. "This fight isn't over." Cervantes explains, and then jumps fo his feet. He slams his foot on the ground, opening a compartment that leads out of his mountain lair. Lestat watches him go. He turns to me and I try to smile with my waning strength. He kneels beside me and lays a hand on my shoulder. "Be strong my friend." He says, and darkness completely engulfs my vision.
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Lestat is great ^_^


vampires rock, the story rock!

lol i'll edit that part
hey whats up?
nothing really i'm just really really bored well ttyl
wats with these things anyway? both u and john write em..wat is it?
you were wrong when you said that john probably wouldn't tell me if i was moving too fast for him because he doesn't talk about important stuff when he has to.
awesome when do i come in to it