157 - I'm going to kill Sandman

9:14 PM Feeling: Better that I know the truth...but still fuckin pissed. Well, it turns out that Andrew didn't make that offensive comment yesterday. So I'm sorry for thinking it was him. Turns out Adam did it. He thought it'd be funny to say that and frame Andrew. Scott was just the one that told me. And Scott apologized for it because he felt bad. So yeah. I'm really pissed off at Adam because that was just idiotic. In fact, that's just low. Doing something offenseive like that to one of your best friends and blaming it on someone else? You're a fuckin moron. I don't care if you thought it was funny. So Adam's a fuckin moron for even suggesting something like that. Well, I'm still effin pissed. Later. 10:03 PM The brightness might hurt your eyes, but I wanted something that blended in with the two new pics. I felt this somewhat...obsession with The Punisher there for a while...so yeah. It needed to be changed. So yeah...enjoy the uber brightness of frodo's diary.
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hey can i say something? WHY THE FUCK DID SCOTT SAY I DID IT? Oh and I want an answer
I think I'm gonna kill scott.. fuckin lying bastard
wow thats is bright....x_x

but its still cool ^^

wow. bright indeed.

i liked the black better. it was nicer on my eyes.

oh well.