
So its officially 2010, and I'm celebrating online. Well I'm not really celebrating so much as I'm just sitting at home. I went to the brutal pad for a bit and I could've stayed there and chilled. But, eh I'm just as happy at home. May'be I should've stayed, I more then likely should've. But, after standing awkwardly by myself for a while I figured better just head home. I have to acknowledge my life has been incredibly lame as of late. Between finishing up fall semester and working I haven't been doing a whole heck of a lot. Its weird though, spending all this time by myself before would've depressed the hell out of me but now I'm finding I prefer it. I'm finding I care less and less about people in general as the days go on. Its all just so weird to me. Maybe I am starting to lose touch. Because more and more i'm finding I just don't care at all about anything and it doesn't bother me in the slighest.

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