DUDE YOUR HELLA COOL! TSL ROCKS MY FUCKING SOCKS! it's ok that your [obsessed] but they kick ass man
i would help you out if i knew how to italicize/bold-alize(lol) stuff, but i have no clue! lol thnx about the poems! do you live in Houston? r u a cheerleader? lol weird ?'s, but i just went to Houston for my cheerleading squad and i was j/w if i may have saw u! lol wouldn't that be a crzy coinkidink.lol ttyl
italic is TEXT bold is TEXT underline is TEXT... I hope that helps! toodles. ~Kaci.
hah omg i cannot believe i just did that... alright let me start over... BOLD ITALIC or UNDERLINE haha. sorry. but dont put the spaces in between it. later.
ok u kno what... i keep doing the same thing. lol. if it doesnt work this time ill be mad an ull just have to im me. haha.. ok... you do text for bold... without the spaces... and you put an i in there for italic and a u for underline and you need the '/' thing. alright i hope that worked. lol. buh bye. ~Kaci.
i am such an idiot an now im spazzing. ha sorry for all the entries.. alright its.. TEXT . jeeze. haha.
it didnt work again. I give up.
lol im trying but every time i write it.. it erases the other half.. or it comes out bold italic and underlined... ok this is a gay site but go to it and under umm html stuff i think.. and it'll give u a bunch of html and u can just copy and paste it.. and like change the colors and junk.. its www.soup-faerie.com . they have like backrounds and junk. but whatever. haha. alright ttyl.