.|I've fallen DOWN|.

Feeling: surprised
why is my life so boring??
i dont exactly grasp the concept of my life yet..i mean, almost every weekend im either at home being bored or at the mall or something...yah why is my life so boring? and even on regular school days theres nothing even remotely interesting to talk about..i guess when you live in nacle theres not much of a choice of what to do yeah so i basically sat around all day today...cleaning also cauz when im bored out of my mind and dont know what to do with myself i clean...i guess it makes for a pretty clean room hah yesterday was so fun!!! i stayed after school for 4 hours w/ manda, sophia, and erin...we watched 2 basketball game lol we lost twice but oh well;) free girl scout cookies! HELL YEAH! haha yep and we played in the snow and uhm we were talking to these little kids lol and just had a hell of a time..wow one highlight of my weekend so far. highlighted in pink ;) god damnit..might have to go to an housewarming thing for my aunt in PA tomorrow..totally dreading it and dont wanna go so i think im pretty close to getting out of it.. I REALLLYYYY want a guitar..i cant wait any longer! i heard its really hard and it hurts your fingers but thats something im willing to do...i have big dreams...BIG dreams lol. im in a band but i dont even know how to play guitar yet and jenna doesnt kno how to play drums and all that...lol its pretty pathetic but hopefully in a couple of years you'll be hearing from us! haha i wish played this snapple real facts game twice today and cheated the second time
cheaters are cool ;)
yep well so long! ._saRah_. `I hear sound echo in the emptiness All around but you can't change this loneliness Look what you've found I've fallen
d <o w n`
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