a nickel pa? a whole nickel?!

Feeling: stuck
wow..okay so things are actually pulling through for me..its not a one-person battle..im happy welll the back of my legs hurt like crazy because i played tennis practically all day yesterday..im gunna be good by the end of the summer because im playing like every day..after tennis i went over krystles house and we hung out..and practiced our white pride handshake..its crazy.. this morning me and my brother both..out of the blue..wanted to watch home videos..and i found out yet another thing about myself..i was a selfish angered rude little kid who absolutely loved beanie babies and would form identities for them and make them talk. and i would scream a lot when i didnt want to do something or when people accused me of not listening/being lazy..if there was one thing i could go back and change it would be my attitude when i was a little kid..and if i met a little kid today that is like what i was 10 years ago, i would absolutely hate them..yeah..crazy? i got sunburnt yesterday..on my arms and my face and the back of my legs. and me dog jumped on my yesterday and scratched my leg and it hurt soooo bad. it still hurts owch :-( i need to go shopping.my closet is deprived of summer clothes. it took me a half hour to get dressed today..and im not even going anywhere (yet)..i hate it when im self-concious..ewww well thats it for now..im really hungry. so im leaving bye sarah ps-yay! you have to check out my friend krystles journal [lifezab1tch12] because..i ALSO did her layout for her..i should get paid for this.. pps-why are there all of a sudden so many diaries for "advice"..?! People like you becuase you're a sweetheart!
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brought to you by Quizilla :-)
Read 6 comments
how do you get that blinky thing next to your name on your entry?
id pay you to do mine..

but i don't have any money.. plus i wanna accomplish something else on my own.. lol
Hah, that sucks about the Burn. I hate sunburns.

I never had many home movies, so I dont know what I was like as a kid. I hope I wasnt like evil, though it's pretty likely.

...they don't have alot of stuff there but it something for now.