ugly or pretty its still my city

Feeling: peeved
i havent updated in years. how is everyone doing? haha not like anyone will read this anyway. lifes been pretty swell for me. kind of off and on. sometimes its not so good and sometimes its great. its just good right now. well today was pretty same old. school, home. i had guitar today. that was ok. it was so nice out today. i cannot wait until summer!!! its going to be fabulous! i was reading all of my old entries. it was like..a step back in timeee. haha that sounds so dorky. i hope all of my old sit diary friends come and visit me page! :D that picture up there of me is reaaalyyy big! i dont feel like making it smaller because im lazy, lol. it looks like i have green eyes too. which i dont! i have blue...for the record. lol. ok! well i dont know i might write another one later! just stopping in to say hello! ©sarah
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awsome background
hi..whats up..n2m 2 u later
aww! so cute
hey, i saw you were on my friends list. i know what you mean about going back to look at old's weird to see how you were feeling just a month ago. your outfit is really cute in that picture.
hi again