You graceful.Your grace falls

i dont quite feeling like putting a mood just blahish. friday.finally.the whole weekend has felt like a friday, maybe because i was wishing it was? and its finally here.and im just sitting around.i wish my daddy would get home so maybe he could take me somewhere :( soon its scary out. :( looks like itll rain.probalby will.most likely. ugh my stupid little brat brother was whining yesterday.of was at dinner too.he wants to go to some airplane school(how stupid?)for highschool instead of the public school.maybe because his friend goes there.most likely why.and its like a college school.sleep there until you get to come brother.the brother who couldnt get through the first day of summer camp without being totally mortified.hmm.well its no surprise my dad refused(lets see it because it costs 27,000 dollars a year?) and my brother got pissed off and refused to eat and went crying to his room.nice dinner! lol. im listening to some creepy history channel show...about people shooting themselves in their beds and people cutting themselves trying to committ suicide.i dont know why its on and who turned it on.but i want it OFF!lol.i just dont feel like getting up this week has been pretty good.on...tuesday was it?me amanda and erin went to daves bball game..kinda sad :(..this whole week we had these stupid s-tests...hmm they werent too bad.i guess you could say the worst part about it was sitting in homeroom for an hour every morning after the if the 20 minute homeroom isnt bad enough. do do do..friday night and nothing to DO.oh yeah.ashley is a clepto.hahaha it was so hilarious today.she stole my bracelet during latin you see.then two periods later (this whole time me not noticing the extra space on my wrist..) she runs up to me and shes cracking up. she has my bracelet on. wow shes a pickpocket ill tell ya! lol i didnt even see it coming but it was so much fun! lol.a lot more has happened this week.just can seem to remember.and i dont feel like typing anymore because comp appl has got me all typed i gotta go write later saRah
Streaked streets all stand between The fields that tuck you in As you lay on a seat you claim to own
converse of the day: Bart5178: i love adult male teachers that give me 100%
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haha.. some people just say the darnest things.. huh? male teachers 100% haha thats just crazy!
how do you get music to play on your page?