xx* What A Day Indeed.

So yeah today just was one of those really GOOD days. it actually started yesterday when i found out that today's first period, programming with a quiz and assignment due, got cancelled cuz of public speaking speechs, which was amazin. Then 2nd period was chemistry where we had a sub, got my french and chem hmwk done, then 3rd was french where i handed in my hmwk ;) and we pretty much read something that NOBODY understood and i had my feet on the table and alex hayne got really pissed off so that was pretty funny and made that class worth it, phil wanted to pay me 50 cents to throw a sock at him lol. it was halarious. then after lunch was a physics test that i ACED, man i was sooo happy cuz i was sooo nervous, then i got out and had to wait a nice hour and a quarter for our basketball game at 4:15 on a friday, it was late but omg we won without phil clark, incredible!!!!! AND i played!!! oh man it was awesome, i wish i scored, but instead i travelled and got that taken from me :( I WOULD HAVE BEAT AARON. oh well. so yeah its now 10:34 and miju is sitting here as i type my blog, we watched a movie i forced her to watch lol and then listened to some music and had some fun poking fun at each other. we walked the dog and she desperatly tried to get me to help her pick a top to wear to the dance next weekend, except i forgot her wardrob, sucks eh? anywho yeah i decided on what im gonna wear, except miju doesnt think the striped shirt with a blue-pokadot tie is a good thing lol, i love it tho! anywho she's getting bored so taa taa folks.
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