lxxxviii* Takin it down a step

Listening to: rap.
Feeling: nice
ok so its been bout a week since i broke my wrist...its healed a lot, im a lot more capable of doing stuff now. i got a new cast yesterday, its smaller, tighter and lighter...synthetic plaster this time...kinda plasticky. anywho i just came up with this notion that i have this page bookmarked at home in mtl on my PC so i just hope my sis/parents dont find this link. that could get embarassing. wtv if they do thats just not cool on their part cuz who does that. its my life and i should be respected and have some sort of privacy. wtv. anywho its sunday, as u can tell, and so im just doin some exam studyin, ive got my calc and eng finals on friday and then 2 more on monday and tuesday next week. so wednesday greg and i are gonna go skiing and test out my arm and check out if i should ski with or without the cast in Zermatt (my week long ski trip the following week) that also reminds me that my mom is coming that week :) in other news my hair is now yellow and green. i was in charge of wacky hair day at my school last week and so i bleached my hair (came out yellow) and then we died it blue (and it's a little known fact that yellow and blue make green) so its yellow and green and looks pretty cool. thats all ive got. peace
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my parents do that
except it wasnt bookmarked
they used google
and searched my kamp nickname.
you hsould post a pic of ur hair
it makes a little thing on the bottom of ur pic
but you can upload unlimited pics for free...