xli* Unleashed

Feeling: amazing
This is the CD i listened to for almost a month straight 2 summers ago when i used to wake up every morning at 10am for my 11am tennis lesson at the club in Metis. I havent been there since that summer because last year I went to work at Kamp Kanawan. I had my own little routine: i'd wake up, brush my teeth and such then go blast this CD on our tiny CD player cuz i was alone in our "shack" as we called it. there was one floor, a kitchen where no more then 3 ppl could stand in at once and a living room and 3 bedrooms. it was great. Every summer since i was born practically i would go up there and see my best friends in the world, we've grown up with each other and its been a blast. Recently though everyone is starting to grow up and its depressing. I cant believe that i didnt go last summer and for the first 10 days of kamp (ie our 10 day trip) every morning i would play out my metis morning at the same time. I miss metis and this CD is just helping me relive the summer. This year though since im staff, i'm prob gonna fly down to metis for a weekend cuz my parents said they'd do it :) Hoorray for parents. Enjoy yourselves.
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must be great to live with just friends for a short while... too bad nothing stays as it is =(
"Nothing gold can stay."
-Robert Frost
hello what cd was it???
well uhhhh what is metis..???? i'm bored if you couldn't tell already..lol well uhhhh ummmm good luck at this thing over the summer if you go.
KOOL I usta luv that cd not no more thooo well uhhhhhh it sounds like a great...place....lool
don't laugh. i went to avila. i know its tiny but i like it lol. see diary for more info on day of skiing.
- erica
hey...well i'm not sure if you care but my old name was lilj2131...well my new one will show up with this message...
have a great day!!!
yea sum 41 are kick ass...that CD rocks. do you have their new one(s)?
- erica