Brothers Suck

Feeling: accomplished

My brother, Nick and his Biotch Jackie...His face in this pic,,just catches his essence

I got into this huge screaming match with my brother, he called me a dyke I called him a fag, but whatever. He went to sign on the internet a few mintue into the fight, so I picked up the phone to dicconect him. He opened a window and through the contents of my purse out,,,,hahaha,,, I said,"I'm callin' Mom!". We then both started bitching at eachother..... "you started it!" "no you started it!" "no you started it!" hahahaha...... Just like the good ol' days. My brother has got a mouth on him.....damn I'm gonna put a pic of him and his girlfriend up........ Anyway me and my brother quickly blamed the fight on our parents crude parenting skills and made up........ Well, I'm gonna go....... .................Hidden Child..................

Read 6 comments
regarding the war...

power to ya.

that is awesome... great fight. entertained me for the moment. ahh... blaming the parents. a wonderful thing. =)
u have such a kick ass diary ..
nice counter..;)

be well,
haha, thats cute, family fighting and then making up... fun fun... and dude! they caught saddam hussein! *kicks him*
lol yea! everyday low prices!! lmao... i still need to buy soem presents... how could u have wasted the weed money on presents!?!?! shame on u! haha *ciao*