My Husband, Her Daddy

Listening to: None
Feeling: beaming

Lilypie Baby Days

I was just thinking,about how much I love my husband. Sure he is weird, says the wrong things alot of the time, to nice, and has no backbone, but Damn it I love him. And since we moved into my moms, he isn't smelly anymore lol. Alot of people talked about the smell and it kinda made me feel bad cause to me, the kind of person he is made up for it,and to tell the truth, I never smelled it. NOw that I am growing his baby in my belly, I can't wait to see all the traits she inherits from him. He is one of the most laid back fine with life guys or even person I have ever met. I think that is what attracted me to him in the first place. He is my balance, my center. And I am having a real hard time not feeling so guilty about some of the things in our past. I wish I could take some things back. Some of the night I blew him off when in the back of my mind I was really thinking about being home with him. weird how you don't realise these things, till they are over. I knew what I was feeling then, but what was I doing? I will never know,maybe I just didn't realise how important he was to me. Ever time I feel his baby kick, I tell her she has a daddy who loves her mommy so unconditionally, that I can't imagine how much he will love her, his own creation of love. It is amazing really. I don't ever want to be without his love, even when he is making me mad. ..................HIDDEN CHILD.................

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CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR BABY!! sorry didn;t mean to shout!! It is such an awesome time for you!! I hope you have an easy pregnancy and childbirth and wish you the best!!! ~Ra
ok but I have to ask...what smell? was he like not showering? eating too much garlic fish onions..I mean hey just