Bad Pumkin Pie

Feeling: anxious

Lilypie Baby Days

OMG. i freakin thought i was in labor last night. I ate some pumpkin pie that had been sitting to long and had diarrhea so bad. But at first it was just cramps, that where like 5 mins apart so i thought they were contractions, until my butt exploded lol!! Sorry TMI. I was all ready to go to the hospital it was all very scary really. I was freakin out. Well I checked out my registry and more stuff is gone! Yeah for a changing table that means my back is saved! Everyone says that changing the baby is easier without having to bend completely over. Yeah. Baby is getting bigger, in fact she dosn't "kick" as much anymore as she does roll around, and push around going 'hey make way'! I guess she has run our of room. CHarlie says my belly is so big it is scary lol! Honestly I don't notice except when getting out of bed or looking down at my belly from the top it is kinda scary. The big day is almost here! I am so excited. I'm freakin out. ................HIddenchild...................

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