NO! Pee in the bottle!

Listening to: BIrdies outside.
Feeling: cuddly

ULTRASOUND PHOTOS LAST ENTRY! BORED AS SHIT! I have to pee in this jug thingy to do this 24 urine crap to check for high blood pressure shat, and the pee sprays like everywhere it's dumb. I hate this I am very pregnant and don't feel like it and strechy pain on my sides at all.......I wish I felt like I was. Sometimes I'll get these achy pains in my abdomin and strechy pains on my sides. ANd I'll cry at anything thats warrents a cry. LIke my charlie said something funny and I laughed and he jokingly said"hahahahah SHUTUP" it was funny but instead I cried like a god damned geek. Owell I guess I am just lucky, not being plaqued by pregnant illnesses. It's all godd cause I got my ultrasound I know my baby's got a little baby heartbeat, and two little tiny arms and two little tiny legs and prefect body and a beautiful head. Gosh aint I just the proud parent? I am a geek. Anyways I feel so damn lonely. I have no one to talk to. I tried calling my brother all week, no success. I tried callin Meg all week no success, well she left me a comment last entry. All I can do is sit and wait for my baby to pop out in about 28.1 weeks. lol I got that time down and counting. Whatevers thats fine with me I cannot wait to have mah baby. I wonder what it will look like maybe I'll make a little colage of me and charlies face it will be dumb but entertaining, .................HIDDEN CHILD..................

Read 1 comments
Beautiful. Positively beautiful.
Do you know why your blood pressure is high? Stress, babe. Teehee.
I am so excited. I love the names you've picked out.