Pregnancy Dreams

Listening to: Twillight Zone Music
Feeling: crappy

Bleh. I feel retarted today. I wish my doctors appointment was sooner. I mean some days I don't feel pregnant at all and some days I do. Maybe my hormone levels are low I don't know. My symptoms were never that extreme to begin with so maybe every thing is chillin out. I bet my baby comes out with it's hand on its head worrying! lol. Anyway. I had some weird dreams last night. I dreamed I went with this realy rich guys and some friends to this convention, on a motor cycle. So we get there we are having fun throwing money around and these monster almost zombie things start to jump out and kill everyone. So anyway I manage to get away but when I get outside I have no keys to the motor cycle and the guy who had them had just gotten eaten by a zombie thingy so there goes that. Anyway after a lo0ng time being scared shitless waiting for someone I know to come out alive one does they have the keys and everything. So we go to ride away and the tank is on dead empty. Feck so at the end of this nightmare, the whole town are those zombie thingys but they don't try to hurt us they just trap us in the town by hiding all the gas pumps and shit,,,,,,tricky, weird I know. ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~2nd nightmare of the night~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ OKay I was at my grandmothers house with this really weird girl. No clue who she was. Suddenly a guys knocks at the door and she looks really scared but she goes out side . I am watching threw the window and he kills her by strangleing her and cutting her throat! My gad! Then a knock on the door and the girl I thought was dead is standing there telling me to call this person and tell her whats going on so I do and I see the guy appear at the window and tell me I was next. He was creapy to say the least....shoulder length ratty hair a pail complexion and he seemeed to float on air with his hands behind his back. So I alled the girl and my grandparents and uncles boarded the house in like made sure all entrances were not able to be broken. So the girl come and I very cautiosouly sneek her in. She tells me we have to leave there. so we do and we are running away to tgo to this place and the guys starts to follow us! At this point I am waking myself up scared. I fall back asleep and the guys is roaring!he is crawling threw a crowd directlty across from us in this long corridor. Don't ask why but then A bunch of shamrocks popped up in my dream with a white background. So he pulls out a gun and starts shooting. I am running and ducking. Suddenly I find a gun and as soons as he rounds the corner I shoot him in head but he dosn't die. He is already dead! He shoots me and it dosn't even touch me, like they are ghost bullets so they can't hurt me! Weirdo! So then the girl pops up and she said she was dead to begin with, and all that shat bleh bleh bleh weirdo! Man I have some weird as pregnancy dreams. Lasts night was especially entertaining. Well all that typing took my mind of my worries but here I am back to worrying. Maybe I'll try to take a nap again. I get reall tired but then all I can do is lay down and rest not fall alseep. No clue. Anyway talk to ya'll laters. .................HIDDEN CHILD.................

Read 3 comments
lol damn. thise are horrible dreams. it reminds me of mine. there's always someone trying to kill me :( anwyay, my new diary is [mexico]. just wanted to let you know. take care!

Don't worry so much! It's not good for the baby... you know that! All your worries will be put to rest with the visit to the doctor. I'm sure all the weird things your feeling are perfectly normal. Remember: Every pregnancy is different. You can't completely rely on your previous one as a guide. Just relax, and take it easy... don't think so much about it and just feel it grow :) That will keep you happy and knowing it's healthy.

CONGRATS!! Von the fetus within you! umm yea....I hope your pregnancy goes great!
I adopted a cute lil' fairy fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!