let the blood drip

Feeling: colorful
colorful :D ha I worked on my goofy health project like all day today. The thing was a piece of work! I'm glad i finally got it done though. I watched "the day after tomorrow". then dad decided he wanted to watch it too even though he missed the beginning. it wasn't hard core teen sex either o-O that was good..sheesh. Mom is being super bitch today. Dad says "she has such thin skin" yeah..she does. We joke about her all the time..and she gets so mad. grr then she's like "em could you tell my how to get the tape working" ITS NOT A TAPE LADY! its a freakin DVD on the playstation. I swear she's like stuck in the 70's or something. THen i told her "THANKS EM." to see if she would thank me then she's like "nobody ever thanks me for dinner" yeah..shut up already. that's your job to make dinner..my job is to go to school and to get an education. I made me gums bleed. it was gross..now i have the taste of blood in my mouth. x_x
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