same to you

Listening to: the tv
Feeling: amused
im just amused by all of this. its just so effing funny. ITS FUCKING CHRISTMAS. i thought she would learn. Kristy-yeah i get jealous. i know...i know i get mad when you spend to much time with one person. GET OVER IT. we all have our faults. and i know both sides of the story by now. so just shut it. i was going to forgive you, you know. but after i read your entry. FORGET it. you're the one acting like a bitch. ALL OVER again. things were going sooo well with us. until she made up that lie. i would like to be friends still, but its just waaaay to confusing right now. I thought i knew you better. I didn't think you would do something like that. yeah. post some more annynomous entries. that's REAL grown up. elysia-i was just starting to like you agian. and you go and do this. now you betrayed all my trust. i want to cry :( YEAH. I KNOW IM BEING A BITCH. christmas is sposed to be the time of joy. its the exact opposite of that right now. ANYWAY. i went to my cousin's party last nigh. I saw my cousin Matt..i haven't seen him a couple years i think. I decorated my tree today. its looks pretty :) no tinsle this year. you're braking us apart. thanks.
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A best friend will know that even though u have the biggest smile on ur face- something is wrong. I'm sorry em.

A best friend will know that even though u have the biggest smile on ur face- something is wrong. I'm sorry em.
