AH! o-o

Feeling: frozen
ugh..imlike shaking because im so cold..and i have a tank top on o_O yeah..makes real sense. well i found out that the book i lost found it's way back to the library :P hah. today went pretty good. we got our hockey jackets. i don't like them that much : but oh well, ill wear it for track, when we have to go out in the rain. i had another weird dream. I was running around in my dance tights and i a cream colored turtle neck sweat. I was running so fast i was beating a car..and everybody was wistling at me. very strange. our group went in spanish today. John wanted more and more salsa. hah he was funny..then he's like "could ihave more mountain dew?" we didn't have any, except water in a mountain dew bottle, so i just gave him the bottle..and he drank out of it. :P haha i also chugged the rest of the pepsi..so i felt sick in gym. i got dragged across the floor 5 times in gym..and it hurt. i hardly sat at the table at lunch. hah. no one seems to be warming up to that girl that elysia brought over, so we just go and hang out with the NJHS people :P i curled tracy's hair in cos. it looked nice. her hair was pulled back, so it didn't make her look blah. my sim got fat hah. i serioulsy have to stop playing that..im addicted to it. :P hah i have dance tonight..and mom says the lady ripped her off where she got my toe-shoes.
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