blonde conditioner

Listening to: tv
Feeling: fat
hmm. well yesterday was quite boring. i was really tired and cranky so i took a 4 hour nap while jeff was watching without a paddle. it was a nice nap :) dad asked me if i wanted to go for a walk before, but sunday was my only day that i got to rest. so yeah. i was being cranky to everyone. oh well, they'll get over it. i watched the notebook. it was ok. a lovey dovey story. everyone said they cried a lot..i didn't cry. i felt tears in my eyes, but they didn't fall. good thing i didn't buy it. today. at 7 it said we were getting out early so that was terrific. i braided my hair last night, and when i woke up and took out the braids, i didn't like them. so i kind of straigtened my hair, but it still looked like crap. i came in and was on my way to see mrs. c, and heather (m) and sabrina like jumped on me and gave me giant bear hugs :) haha it was funny! mrs. c gave me the fundraiser. AVON. joy. hah. i had swimming third, i told brianna i didn't want to get my hair wet. but i did anyway. oh well..i had to teach the kid how to dive, he still does belly-flops though. :D he's so cute though (not in a pedilfilish way...) (sp?) i went to shannon's after. she had to give her turle to her cousin amber. :( so her and kenny came and picked me up. i had fun at her house. first, she braided my hair and i braided hers. then we just chilled for a bit. then she's like "lets go hide on kenny's bed!" so we did then he came in. and felt violated so i ran into her room. then. shannon got one of his condoms and was CHASING me with it. it was hilarious. it was scary at the time though. so we just had some fun after that :) now im here. bored.
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dude, my name is emily too!
lol well i love the new one too!
ok if i add u as a friend?!
YOU are a seriously DERANGED person.
Just thought you should know