goody goody gosh!

ugh. ok. yesterday. jeff would NOT shut up when I was trying to sleep at 1:00 in the morning. him and chris just kept on talking..and i told them like 6 times to be quiet..and they wouldn't stop! grr. so they finally went to sleep around 2:15. thank god. so i had dance at 9. we were picking out songs. we're doing this cool dance for jazz :D but..she said that she would use it in the show..but for advanced. but im still a WHITE..since there's so many people in jazz. *sigh* then ballet..I GET TO BE AN UPTOWN GIRL! :D that was my favorite dance, so she's teaching it to us white students. there were only like 2 advanced girls there, kelsey wasn't there but that would make 3, so whatever. then we get to do this other ballet that im not thrilled about. tap. I HATE TAP. -_- we have to do the dance that wendy was going to do for last years recital..and it's hard :( its like..ball-change..heels..ugh. oh well. then i just kind of hung out at home. we down the cottage a little later. amy & her kids were there. they weren't all that inthusiastic this time. oh well. i had to watch lacey & kaylee while amy went to go get chicken & bikes w/milan. then i came home for supper. jeff, chris, & jehiel went on a boat trip and slept on an island around laceyville. hehe. iwas able to SLEEP! thank god. :) then mom & dad went to go get an air conditioner. i went down to the cottage (its only a mile away from my house) we went for a bike ride..kaylee like wiped out on the train tracks :P then just kind of hung out. then i went home. dad's installing the air conditioner he was up BRIGHT AND FRIGGIN' EARLY at 8:30 instialling it..right under my room. when he's up..i think that he thinks that everyone else should be up. grrr...i NEVER GET TO SLEEP! -_- my abbs hurt from all that bike riding yesterday. i guess that's good. :D hehe. wow. that was a long entry. just about my stupid life too :) how touching.
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