ugly 3-D chibi people

Listening to: football game on tv
Feeling: torn
sheesh.i've been really tired. :( my goofy puppy comes over to me this morning is and is all ready to play..and i've only been awake for like 5 minutes. sheesh. i wore my plaid pink skrit with my pink top. The second i got to my locker, i got like 5 freakin complements! ahah it was insane. :P hehe. my shoes went horrible with that outfit. ugh..i need new ones. i went to the library 1st and third period. I really didn't do much *again* but whatever. haha lunch was fun. we got to sign up for skiing today. :D i think when i got up..i couldn't really got out that and my skirt came up and april saw..and started yelling. she's so loud.. went spent like all of geometry going over the stupid homework. I didn't even pay attention..i just sat there and was off in my own world. our car is cooperating in science..i tried a new rod..and it just spazzed out. hah a english was funny too. i moved in back of elysia, and in front of johnna. so everytime something odd or differnt came up i would make a comment and some of them would snicker, and kyle would say "keep your commments to yourself EMILY" yeaaahhhh right. idiot. i got to be the model in cos. everybody had to put a part of make-up on me. it actually looked nice..but a bit too bold on the lipgloss stuff. we had indoor track today. we couldn't find mr. squier for like a half we wandered around giggling. We finally found him, so we had to lift. was hard. we were all out of it hurt. : and the goofy b-ball cheerleaders were in the hall practicing, and you would here the same song every minute "breath IN, breath out!" OH! it was madness! haha. then tracy and I were like "remember when we WANTED to be cheerleaders" (no offense, i just don't really like it) haha it was a good time. :) then we had to do accelerations..ugh.. hehe tracy was a turtle. :P haha then they left me and went up to the elementary. I got to sit by the gym with em & des. mom came then. i went inside like 3 more times though. haha it was funny. that goofy puppy..had freakin sharp teeth!
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sounds like i missed a ton of fun.