"where did that blasted candy order go?"

Feeling: neurotic
well what a weekend i had. I went to see flapper yesterday with the fart stains. It was actually pretty good. Erin had a really good solo also. It was so touching at the end when Mrs. Bradish gave out flowers to the seniors :P hah. im such a nerd. We went to tracy's house and watched Van Helsing. :) i love that movie. Then tracy went outside "omg guys the stars are so beautiful!" so of course kristy wanted to go out. i really didn't because im still freaked out from the stupid "the grudge" so i went in and scratched the nail polish off of my toes. THey came in and wanted me to go out..i didn't. oh well. then they were wide away (this was at 1:10 in the morning mind you) and i was tired. They made rice. and dyed it red. with food coloring. what idiots o-O. then they were being really loud. So they were awake like really awake and went out and played battleship. Then her mom finally came down and said "BED. NOW" so they crawled in their sleeping bags and ill i herd for a half hour was giggling. so i finally said "i put up with you guys for 3 hours! SHUT UP ALREADY!" and this was at 3. so it was just great. then they finally shut up. we woke up and had banana cake. yum. Then tracy wanted us to stay longer so we went up to the shop to ask her parents. We were allowed to stay till 4, but i forogt i was going shopping so i called and wanted to go shoppin :P i got my hair cut and got 2 shirts and UGG BOOTS! :D omg i wanted those things so bad..but they're for christmas. they aren't actall ugg boots..but the same thing. I tried on like 50 million skirts in bon ton..and didn't get any :P Mom and i were in petco for like a half hour waiting for crickets for jeff's lizards. So were finally get them, and mom got this free tank thing for joining the petco club or something. they had a handicap man working on the register so that took longer. but GRR! so here i cam now OH! emilie! i still have my same screen name: midnyt thunderrr but i come on at 8 usually on school nights. You're always away :) or something..or i am. I SHALL GET AROUND TO IMING you soon :) yay! lol TOODLES! :D
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Correction- I(Kristy) said oh guys look at the beautiful stars." retard lol
Good bye bub

Well thank you! :) :) I love your background on here. It's so pretty! :)