
homecoming is a week from today. and i can't dance. how 'bout that. --------------------------------- nothing will ever be the same as it should be, the damage is irreversible, so just close your eyes to everything wrong in the world that no one else sees and immerse yourself in your life. take risks, get involved, make friends, right? i think maybe the reason i'm so stressed out all the time is because i want to be. when im running running running running, i don't have time to see the things in the world that used to bother me. but sometimes it slips through the cracks between my unconcious mind and my concious mind, and then i despair and find something i can get addicted to or dream about something i could get addicted or go upstairs into my room and dream the disturbing dreams which must be a major part of my unconcious or why else would i have them every single night? and just close my eyes. and hope they never open again and i never care again about how ugly everything has gotten. and that i go around with my eyes closed and my mind closed and i'll be ignorant as they come, but i will be happy, someday, maybe. maybe... ive added more in lostsecrets, just in case anyone cares. i've never really really understood the lyrics of the song where have all the flowers gone. there's a confession of the day. is it basically what i was talking about up there? i thought i remembered kgb saying something about young girls...? but do you want to know the truth? i want out of this place, this ugly world that will someday be completely devoid of beauty. yeah, trees are beautiful. but thats only half the reason to save them, uh did you ever think about the fact that we would all die if they weren't here? i think at least half of the population of this damn country would say no. trees and flowers don't matter, animals don't matter, other people's feelings don't matter, nothing matters except for sliced bread, tv, and getting to work on time. i want the fuck out, baby. now, i could close my eyes and pretend that i don't know any of these things are going on, and try my desperate hardest to be happy, whatever that may mean, but underneath the surface i would still know that i'm lying to myself so it would never work. so i want out. and don't worry. there are a million means of self mutilation that i have access too, and frankly, i'm not interested. no lighters and pocket knives, or even sleeping pills for me, no siree. killing myself would be a waste of my parents' lives. i would never do that. i'm just a bit frustrated with things, is all. please don't ask me what's wrong when you read this entry. there aren't words, and it doesnt matter. nothing is wrong, silly goose. i really kinda feel like just sleeping the week away. i dont have an appetite, my body feels numb, i feel feverish, and i feel sleepy. sick? maybe. maybe not.
Read 7 comments
i like that.
i do think that ignorance = happiness. or at least most of the time.
but i cant just forget about things that make me upset about...everything. i hate how i cant unlearn things. not that i really want to be ignorant, but i want to be happy.
ok, im just talking too much.
i want you to hear this song.
its called self evident, by ani difranco. the lyrics are good, but hearing it is millions better.
love you
poem ish. but some kind of beat and acoustics i think, at least on the cd i have that its on. mines taped live, so im not really sure if you are listening to the same one, bc she does a ton of different versions to her songs.

love you

thats how i was. i used to alwaysalways skip this song because i couldnt understand half the words she said. but i looked up the words and follow along and i love it. now im addicted. its forever long, though, but i still like it a ton.
im glad you like it. :)
i like how you write.
i want to go somewhere, anywhere, just somewhere besides here. mexico would be awesome, cruises would be even better because you can drink when you're 18 LEGALLY, but somehow saying that seems to take half the fun out of drinking.
i quit my job
im jealous of this walkingthroughforests thing. :)
i miss it a lot. that diary. i love this one, dont get me wrong. i dont know what it is about the other one. i just miss it. i always catch myself clicking on it instead of this one to check for new entries.

guess what i got today???

THE SIMS 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
