and god bless you all on the earth

Listening to: the cure-alt.end
um...i started eating close to a normal amount today. because i really think i've lost weight. and i don't think its good, to lose so much weight so fast. i don't look like i have i guess. but my work pants used to be pretty tight. and i now have to pull them up every now and then or they begin to slide down my butt halfway, and maybe eventually fall down completely; i never let it get that far. i tested it when i got home...i can pull it down without unbuttoning it easily. so i think ill just start eating healthier. i feel so stupid at work. i wasn't supposed to go in today. i was supposed to go in tomorrow. but guess what i did? ill write more later. i had a HUMUNGO fight with my mom today. because she's so damn traditional. and i'm not. you know, the kind of person that thinks that girls and guys should go steady and not do anything except makeout till after marraige. and we got into a screaming fight where we were both saying things we knew weren't true (at least i hope she knows they aren't true) like me screaming she's jealous of me beacause she was a complete dork in highschool and her screaming at me I KNOW YOU WANT TO GIVE HEAD I KNOW IT! I HAVE A FEELING AND I KNOW IT! YOU AREN'T MATURE ENOUGH FOR THAT! THAT SHOULD BE FOR AFTER MARRAIGE, BUT ITS DISGUSTING! i guess it would be pretty funny, if you weren't us. (later) me-i want to have fun in highschool. her(assuming i meant dirty things, instead of just, having fun.)-OH, SO YOU WANT HERPES ON YOUR MOUTH? HUH? me-mom, almost everyone has herpes on their mouths. her-OH! SO NOW EVERYONES GIVING HEAD, EH? me-mom, what do you think cold sores are? her-I KNOW YOU'VE GIVEN HEAD! I KNOW IT I KNOW IT! AND I'M TALKING ABOUT GENITAL WARTS! me-mom you have no proof of anything. i'm not stupid. let me live my life. and so on. i actually find it slightly humorous, now. god. i can't wait until im away from this fucked household. i found out the REAL reason we have to eat lunch on early out days. and my mom finally agrees with me that rockwood this is coming from the man who sprays for bugs at my house, who also happens to be a teacher in the wildwood section of rockwood. apparently a lot of rich parents on that side of the district were worried because they were sure their kids would try to cook lunch at home after cshool while they were at their executive positions working their asses off, and burn hte house down. and the whole board is pretty much from the rich side of the district, so there ya go, we now have early out days with lunch. there was a bunch of other stuff he told my mom, too. but i cant remember it. but this made a lasting impression: his daughter is majoring in education. and he forbids her to apply to rockwood because he hates it so much.
Read 6 comments
why hello there
so im guessing you went into work when you didnt even need too? niiice
your ad is for launch music i remember when me and you would just sit at the comp all day and watch sum41 videos lol...those were the days

are you going to watch the bush/kerry debate tonight? we have to tape for ariana for communications so i think i will.
wah! my mom freaks out when she sees me and nick kiss. she thinks its innapropriate for him to have his arm around me on the couch in our living room. weird.
whats the real reason we eat lunch on early out days?
thats really cool
now watch out there, dont get GENITAL HERPES!!!! hahahahaha

wow becca, the same thing that happened to you happened to me. vanessa from dq just called and was like "sarah did you know youw ere supposed to work from 4-7 today" (friday) and i was like "no? i was at work on tuesday and the scheldule only said saturday 12-5." i would remember if it said friday ya no? god that pisses me off. we shouldnt have to call every night to see if theyve changed the scheldule. ugh. lol ly -sare
rockwood really does suck.

love you