under the fog fog fog

i'm thinking about tipping my hair black again. like this: except longer. ________________________________________ sometimes i tire of the monotony of my life. i wish i had my lisence. i would never be home. eh, come january/february, i'm never ever going to be home. and what it really comes down to... is that i have to get away from this city someday. and i know i won't. ah well, living in F-Town as it slowly declines can be a party, i suppose. i can go back and drink with the homeless people that live behind my house in the woods, it will be a blast. i need to stop complaining. someone smack me, please, or tell me why i am so apathetic today? on a more cheerful note, i found the muse cd, it was in my brother's room. and this summer i most likely get to see glamis castle, which is quite beautiful and quite haunted. it is in scotland, and the setting for shakespeare's macbeth. i have no spirit for thanksgiving, thanksgiving can kiss my ass. truthfully...its been making me gag this year. or maybe something is rotting in the kitchen. all i know is that when i was eating breakfast and the parade was on, barney was singing, and something smelled weird, and i had to leave the room because i almost puked, though whether from over-comercialized holidays, barney singing, or the rancid smell in my kitchen, i do not know. so here i sit, putting off cleaning up the house, listening to the same song over, and over, and over again. goodbye, i'm off to take a shower. :)
Read 6 comments
happy thanksgiving! or at least i hope it gets better! :/ i love u~cole
i think if your hair was straight like it was then, then it would look better, rather than it being wavy. but i dont know, because you have dont that before with this hair. trying something new is always good. i want to dye my hair. like dark red. i dont really care, i just want something new. i remember i used to say my hair was too dark and i wanted it lighter, but now i want to try out something darker...see how it looks.

i think you should do it, but i want to be there. haha ive never seen someone dye their hair. cooooooooooooooolllllllllll theres a first time for everything!!!!

alllllriiite it wont let me log on again!! ahhhhhh &^*$#@$%@$#^ computer
hey becca! thanksgiving been making me gag this year 2! lol but i was wondering if you could tell me how to put pictures on this thing lol ive been tryig 4 ever and cant figure it out
you have fantastic tast in music the muse is great.you seem cool i hope you dont mind me adding you on my friends list thing