they're after me...

hmm.. my summary of today: felt like crap, cried, felt like crap some more, cried some more, and so on... why you ask? don't really know. well.. i do... but.. it's everything. too much to explain, even if i wanted to, which i don't because i'll only start crying again and i don't really care to spread the depression to you poor people. heh.. just today someone said that depression is contagious and that i'm the carrier... great... thanx.. they suggested using my blood to find an antidote.. wonderful.. now they're after my blood.. :-p haha.. hah.. a lot of good that little maneuver will do me. i'm probably just going to go to bed and cry again anyways. can't escape it. oh yeah and that thing about "not being in trouble".. i guess i must have been wrong.. i think i'm still in very great danger of being found out.. in which case i would be screwed. sorry.. sorry.. "happy thoughts"... ::thud:: oops guess i still can't fly.. see.. it doesn't work.. :-/ still.. it's weird. i feel a little better now, oddly enough. i guess it's as close as i can come to talking to someone. except i'm not.. not really.. but whatever.. :-p k.. that's that. shutting up starting now. goodbye and goodnight. i hope everyone's day was better than mine was, and have a wonderful tomorrow..
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