Verdict: Boring!!

The Matrix Reloaded sucks!! haha... I'm sure right now you're going: "umm.. where have you been?" :-p Where I have been, is avoiding the movie entirely, because I was told by a man who knows (Logan), that it was lousy. But thanks to my brother and his sometimes questionable taste, I was forced to find out for myself. Really now.. if you can make a movie so boring that you can pick out flaws in the action scenes the first time through, well there's just no saving you. There was altogether too much computer-generated stuff too.. a little bit here and there is great, but if you overdo it, it makes it obvious that it's all fake- and what's the point in that?? Just because you were the first to do bullet-time doesn't give you an excuse to animate the thing to death. grr... It completely took away the film's sense of reality. The multiple Smiths somehow failed to intimidate, because they did not give you any understanding of what they actually were capable of, and they were defeated far to easily. Rediculous. And the twins were just lame.. None of the new characters seemed quite natural either.. through a combination of bad acting and the lack of a personality or an important role, they are made completely superfluous. They didn't even really give you a reason to care about them... it's like.. "ok.. hurry up and die and get out of the way.." (except for the keymaker.. I thought he was cool..) haha.. cold, aren't I? :-p As for plot- it gave you nothing for the mind or the imagination, and it was a bit of a stretch- what they did give you was far-fetched and did not explain itself or give you opportunity to explain it yourself. No fun at all. End of rant. I'm sure you're all very bored now. If you're one of the lucky few and you haven't seen the movie yet, avoid it like the plague. It sucks, trust me. hehe.. I don't even know why I felt the need to write about that.. it's probably not even worthy of my time. Watching the movie was a waste of time to begin with, but now I have to sit here and complain about it?? grr... that just makes me more mad that I've wasted my time. Onward to a better subject! It's my brother's birthday tomorrow, and my dad was going to take us bowling today. I'm not sure if I really want to go though. I'm not very fond of bowling. And I'm kind of a wreck today so I don't feel like doing anything- except my homework. The calculus party last night kind of put me in the mood for doing homework.. :-D :-p I think I'll take advantage of it while it lasts. I hate birthdays. I don't know what I can give my brother. I'm cheap, so I'm not spending any of my hard-earned six dollars.. :-p (lol mebbe I'll be real nice and give him fifty cents... :-p) I was thinking I'd let him have the computer to himself for a day or two, which would kind of suck for me.. but whatevers. emm.. yes.. I think I shall now bundle myself off to do the aforementioned work.
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lol and I forgot to even mention the music... heheheh...