All Things MacBeth..

Yesterday watching MacBeth, with the traitorous Thane of Cawdor and MacBeth with all of his murders, made me think about crimes, sins, and things we consider wholly unacceptable. Except they can be different for different people. Cultures are strange. You just never know- you might be executed for sneezing in public or something. Which is why strangers are often forgiven when they slip up. But what if they weren’t?? Pity on that poor wretch. (Hehe.. that whole cultural thing made me think about some little Chinese guy “Fa-Sing, he don’t know what he do.." and I was all playing around with that, making up little word games because I was bored.. hehe. So.. that’s where that came from Murdock.. haha that probably makes it sound even crazier. :-D) I also have to enact a scene from MacBeth in my own style. I came up with MacBeth a a la caveman. (The weirdest thing is that a girl in my group came up with exactly the same idea! scary..) It will be hillarious. We’re just going to sit there grunting and banging on things with rocks. It’s great. but everyone is hellof pissed off because there’s almost no time to do it. My group was going to film it but there isn’t time and it’s too much trouble anyway. I don’t want to do it live either though. I’ll feel like a retard. If it’s recorded you can fix things, and even if you don’t you can run away while it’s being played or plug your ears or something, and if someone still has it in twenty years, it’s probably not going to matter because you aren’t likely to know anyway. So it’s ok. But live..? Ugh. Now I can feel like a dork straight off.. :-p I guess either way I’m going to be embarassed. :-p Reading MacBeth has also provided constant reminders of how stupid people are, and not just because people don’t understand it. Someone turned in their film idea as “’90’s RAPERS”. hmm.. yeah.. they didn’t mean RAPE. It was supposed to be “RAPPERS”, but they couldn’t spell it. Then someone was bright enough to say “maybe they ment raper, like, “Derek got run through by a raper””. Oh my god that sounded so wrong I had to laugh. Of course they meant RAPIER, the sword, but for gooness sake it’s not spelled raper!! On top of that, some people then had to ask what a rapier was.. gawd.. It was funny, but sometimes those things almost make me want to lie down and die in dispair of the human race. All that confusion!! Over just one easy little word... The MacBeth movie was really rainy and grizzly. It was cool. It was raining here too- yesterday and this morning. When I was eating my breakfast I sat looking out the window at it, and it was really pretty because it was still dark and the sky was positively BLUE. A deep, bright blue. Now all this rain has put me in the mood for soup... :-p (and not canned soup either!! I think that’s the most disgusting crap..) I make really good potato soup.. and I would have some for dinner tonight except my brother already asked for hamburgers.. bah.. Stupid hamburgers. I’m really not impressed by them, but I have to cook tonight, since I’m at home again today.. Yeah, ima truant. So what. :-p Em.. anyways.. I’m have to go now, and work on my everlasting homework. This weekend is going to be a real cruncher, because I have SAT’s (let them think I’m smart!!) and shopping to do, and I normally don’t go out at all. I’m still recovering from my thanksgiving trip besides..
Read 3 comments
I read MacBeth three times in school. Once my freshman year in my AP English class; and twice in my senior year - two different teachers. Each time I've gotten something different out of the book. My pity flies to MacBeth for being too weak to say no to his wife, and then to his wife for the fact that she felt the need to kill all those people, but that she wasn't "man" enough to do it for herself.
Question: How do you get the awesome background
(con't) on your site? It's quite nice. Anyway, thanks for the comment. I'm glad my comment cleared up the train of thought!
i liked macbeth a lot, too! it was the first play by shakespeare the i enjoyed haha.