and furthermore.. PTOOO!

back at school today. it's lousy. and I've been freezing to death for almost a full twenty-four hours now.. yay. :-/ something's going on. I must not be getting heat in my bedroom or something. :-/ and it was cold all day at school today. blech. I think I need blubber. Either on me or in me I don't care which. They both work. Meh. While I'm at it I might as well grow fur. Bear fur. So I can be a bear. And hibernate. And forget about this school crap altogether. Then I won't have to wake up till spring, when I can eat honey, berries, hikers, and small helpless animals. Yup sounds like a plan. I'm off to ditch my razor. :-p lol no I'm not don't worry. It wouldn't work anyway. :( I guess I just have to do my homework then. ::pouts:: blardeblarblar. heh. oh yeah.. my thought of the day: "Don't expect anyone to be your friend. Pretend they are your friends, but treat them like strangers." Yeah.. it's screwed up.. I know.. I'M screwed up.. :-p There WAS some.. twisted.. reasoning.. behind it: You can't expect people to do anything for you, no matter who they are. they often can't, or don't know to, and sometimes they just won't. No one is REALLY your friend when it comes to that anyway. So treat them like strangers- respect them, treat them kindly, even have fun, but never hope for anything. ha. that's bleak.. hahaahah.. I guess I'm just paranoid. O_O I know you're there! :-p sigh. yeah it's another one of those days I guess. depressing. hah. I got a new book in English today (Jane Eyre) and the dang thing made me cry. Piece of crap! grr.. and now probably you are thinking it wasn't because it was a chick book and it was so romantically tragical or any of that crap. :-p But NOOOOOO that's not why. I haven't gotten that far. It's just sad.. I feel sorry for the poor abused girl.. herm. I better stop I think. bye. (I never did say anything about Christmas. Oh well. Too late now. There's too much anyway.)
Read 6 comments
indeed i wrote it.

You go ahead and like me all you want. Just promise me you won't expect much. Unless you wan't a let down, then you have to wait in line.
yea, and then we broke up again, haha. we arre weirdo's.
thank you so much for your comments!

i deleted a lot of my entries last night. so i'm sorry if you missed them.

i'll definitely tell you when my book comes out
Hope for all and expect nothing?
Well, ya know that doesn't sound all that bad. Just have to hope...
I don't know, sorry, my mind is elsewhere. Thanks for the comment though.
annnd....hibernation sounds lavish.