
hello, my name is ms.karsten. Do not be fooled by this badge i wear. I am not a teacher in the least. I am a ranting, babbling, guitar playing, god loving bitch. My goal here is to make you as confused as possible. I will call my labatory English 121. ANYWAY, im in school right now. Kind of. THe uber bitch will be gone on friday. yes...right now im in the process of "writing" my concept paper. I will give you a small over view: An addiction is a compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance. Thats my topic sentence, in my paper i will define and explore all the concepts of an addiction. :) wish me luck, i know nothing about addictions, or any sort of substance that would lead to such a god awful thing. I wish that for five minutes i could see myself for what and who i really am. If i had five minutes of pure clarity i would see that the world is not a big ugly place, and that i am thin and pretty. I would see a child on the street and not laugh at my thought of swirving and running it over. Just five minutes. Five minutes is all i need. five minutes to sleep, to eat, to dream, to think. .... cross out the eating part....goddamit do you see what i mean? I really really do want to eat something utterly delicious, i could use an orgasim of the tounge. but what would that meal be? enough about that substance. oh look, its time to go.toodle loo
Read 3 comments
go to chipotle.
are you high?.....
you sound like it.
i am.

i agree with what you said. but..... im having a hard time remembering what it was again....

but i do remember liking it. :D
i love you marisabel.
and i hope that your thursday is lucious.
oh yeah addiction and ms karsten hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahaahahahaha
you talk about food.
and look at me say im high even befo0re i remember it.