forced assimilation

i hatemyselfe and want to die. i mean it this time...i really do. A.)sober adj 1: not affected by a chemical substance [ant: intoxicated] 2: dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises 3: lacking brightness or color; dull; 4: completely lacking in playfulness 2: become more realistic; B) a·lone (-ln) adj. 1. Being apart from others; solitary. 2. Being without anyone or anything else; only. 3. Considered separately from all others of the same class. 4. Being without equal; unique. C.) despondent adj : without or almost without hope D.) all of the above.
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you are not alone.
You are important to me, Marisabel. Love you.
baby, i miss you too.
oh, do not be sorry. you and me both know that nothing gold can stay ;)