tom says: why

i feel like everything in my life is falling apart... i see everyone around me happy and content and im the most despondant and insecure as ive ever been. i dont know im so diffcult to fucking love. i dont know why its sooo fucking impossible for me to make my actions agree with my thoughts. times like these is when i wonder why i even go on...why do i even try when i just keep failing. fuck this. im slipping
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i'm not on the friends list anymore? seems a little harsh. -matt
chin up chin up, that's who that skyscrapers song is by. and that's what you need to do, keep your chin up! god, that sounded lame
honesty is always the best policy. anything said once can be said again.

i had an interview at the m. shoppe today. hah, but i'll never get the job cuz he's interviewing 2 other people. and he made this joke like.. "well, i see you worked for the tribune back in '01, what have you been doing for the past six years?" i was just like 'uhh... focusing on school.. and playing baseball.. and stuff' yet another failed interview.